Friday, September 5, 2008


Ek was op ‘n fietsry rit toe Colleen die ongeluk gehad het, met my aankoms hier was ek uiters geskok oor wat gebeur het. Ek het nie op daardie stadium geweet hoe ek dit finansieël en emosioneel gaan verwerk of hierdeur gaan kom nie. Ek het geensins verwag dat almal hulle harte en beursies so sou oopmaak teenoor ons nie. Ons waardeer dit regtig baie!!
Dit is onmoontlik vir my om almal te bedank vir die ongelooflike wyse waarop hulle die Colleen Loubser Trust geondersteun het ten einde te verseker dat Colleen die beste mediese behandeling kan kry. Die afgelope tyd was baie stresvol en dit was net onmoontlik vir my om alle SMS’e en telefoonoproepe te antwoord. Die oproepe en SMS’e het egter ontsettend baie vir my beteken. Ek het berus dat almal besig was om vir haar te bid in hierdie moeilike tyd. Sonder u gebede en positiewe denke sou Colleen nie gewees het waar sy vandag is nie.

Daar is heeltemal te veel mense om almal individueel te bedank, tog is daar egter ‘n paar mense wat ek wil uitsonder. My swaer, Dirk vir die blog wat hy geskep het en Paulette vir die vertaling in engels elke dag. Mike en Paulette vir dit wat hulle gedoen het om haar oorgeplaas te kry na die Milnerton Medi-Kliniek. Hulle het ook die Colleen Loubser Trust gestig met behulp van ‘n prokureur. Dankie ook aan Anton en Felicity wat gereël het vir die Neurochirurg en aan Susan vir al haar liefde en ondersteuning. Ook ‘n spesiale dankie aan al die “Girls” wat die veiling georganiseer het ten bate van die Trust

My seun Melt en Annelize, baie dankie!! Julle was my rots deur hierdie moeilike tyd dankie vir julle liefde en ondersteuning. Aan die res van die familie, julle was wonderlik, dankie vir alles.

Dan laaste, maar nie die minste nie, wil ek graag al die ander bedank. Dankie vir alles wat julle gedoen het en steeds doen. Colleen se pad na herstel is nog lank. Dit is wonderlik om te weet dat ek steeds kan staatmaak op julle ondersteuning, glo my dit beteken baie!

Al wat ek nog kan sê is net “ DANKIE, DANKIE, DANKIE.”



I was away on a cycling trip when Colleen had her accident and when I returned and found out what had happened I was stunned and shocked.
I did not know how I was going to cope financially or emotionally. I had no idea that people would be so kind and supportive.

It is impossible for me to thank everyone who has been so generous supporting the Trust Fund to enable Colleen to have the very best treatment and also its been so stressful that I just haven’t been able to reply to all the SMS’s and phone calls. Each one has been a great help and made me feel you are all out there praying and offering your support. I am sure that all these prayers and positive thoughts have brought Colleen to the stage that she is now.

There are far too many of you to thank individually, but some people need special mention. My Brother in law Dirk for setting up the daily blog and keeping it up to date every day and Paulette for translating it into English.
Mike and Paulette for calling the paramedics and getting her transferred to the right Clinic and setting up the Trust Fund. Felicity and Anton for organizing the Neurosurgeon and Susan for her company and love and for the girls who organized the auction.

My son Melt and his girlfriend Annelize who have been rocks and of course the whole family who have been wonderful.

But most off I want to thank you all, thank you, thank you, thank you.


Kaart/Map Intercare Tygervalley

Vrydag 5 September 2008 16h30

Colleen het vanmiddag die Milnerton Medi-Kliniek verlaat nadat sy daar was vir die afgelope 14 dae. Dit is 'n wonderlike gebeurlikheid en ons kan net dankbaar wees dat haar herstel proses sover gevorder het. Sy is tans in die "INTERCARE SUB ACUTE HOSPITAL" (5de vloer) in Tygervallei. Hulle spesialiseer in versorging asook rehabilitasie. Hier kan sy die nodige hulp soos spraakterapie en fisioterapie ontvang. Sy bly steeds onder behandeling van die neuroloog, Dr Coetzee wat haar in die Medi kliniek behandel het. Sy sal ten minste vir die volgende 4 weke hier bly afhangende van haar vordering.

Op hierdie stadium is sy nie baie gelukkig om hier te bly nie, volgens haar is sy gesond en is dit dus glad nie nodig nie. Haar kop is nog maar baie geswel maar dit sal metertyd verbeter. Sy het nou baie ondersteuning nodig en almal moet maar verdraagsaam wees met haar vir die volgende paar weke.

Die besoektye aan die hospitaal is daagliks tussen 15h00 en 16h00 asook 19h00 tot 20h00 in die aand. Sy is nie meer in 'n privaatkamer nie, maar deel 'n saal met ander pasiente. Naaste familie en vriende is welkom om haar te gaan besoek. Sy het die stimulasie en geselskap nodig. Tog wil ek net 'n vriendelike versoek rig dat ons haar nie te veel vermoei nie. Sy het ook die rustigheid en kalmte nodig vir 'n spoedige herstel.
Tot later !! Groete Dirk

Colleens Recovery .

Colleen is in a private room in e ward in medi clinic milnerton .
I visited her briefly yesterday as she needed certain things which the nurse had asked for so i went off and bought her New pajamas ,body lotion ,toothpaste etc.

I gave colleen everybody"s emails and she was totally overwhelmed and grateful , I told colleen that all her friends are praying for her and waiting for her too recovery .
I meet up with colleen therapist who has been looking after colleen since she came of the ventilator ,she is a wonderful lady called Linda and she Say's colleen is coming on well but it going to take a long time . she needs to be keep quite and calm to that she can heal .

The doctors and nurses have still asked that no visitors" only family " as colleen needs to rest and get much stronger than she is at the moment , this is also an huge shock to her and we need to keep her calm and quite so she can heal .

Johan will be meeting with colleens doctors today so see how she is doing and to plan the next steps of colleens treatment .

We have received more medical bills yesterday so the "Trust fund " will be attending to those today and we will give a detail account of payments made tonight.

Til Later

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Spoke to dirk this morning and colleen is doing well in her new ward a little tried today .
I will visit her quickly this afternoon .
till then

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Colleen was moved from icu today to a normal surgical ward at medi clinic milnerton ,this is wonderful news but the ROAD TO RECOVERY is still a long a hard road ahead ......
It is wonderful to see colleen recovering but we are not even half way yet !! this is going to take time and funds .

I have spoken with johan and dirk and we are waiting to hear on friday what the next step will be and whether we will move colleen or that she will stay at medi clinic .
Colleen will have to undergo another operation to put back the piece of skull ,which was removed 14 days ago , this will only be able to take place once colleen throat has healed due to the tracheotomy . This will take anything up to 3-4 weeks to heal.
we will keep you posted ...

please keep colleen in your thoughts and prayers .

on the otherside "THE TRUST FUND "

We are extremely grateful and amazed at peoples kindness and would like to thank everybody again for all the donations .
Our trust fund lawyer ,keeps me updated twice a day on the funds progress and this is what we have paid out so far to medi clinic and to some of the doctors .

So far we have been able to paid with all the wonderful donatitions
R130.000.00 to milnerton medi clinic -17.08.2008 till 03.09.2008 for icu
R900.00 to west coast physiotherpist -03.09.2008
R2829,52 to Dr owen spalding -anaesthesiologist 03.09.2008

We still have a a cetain amount of funds left over and we will keep you imformed on what we have paid out and when .

Should anyone have any question you are most welcome to contact me on my office line 021-4251873 and i will be ever so happy to answer any questions regarding the trust fund .

till tommorow
paulette oliff

Woensdag 3 September 2008 12h30

Johann het my nou net laat weet dat Colleen uit ICU is en dat sy nou in Saal E lê. Dit is wonderlike nuus vir ons almal. Ek sal moontlik later by haar besoek aflê en dan weer rapporteer hoe dit met haar gaan.

Tot Later Groete Dirk

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Just got off the phone with dirk and wonderful news ..Colleen is off everything no more pipes . she is much happier now as she did not like those pipes and kept trying to pull them out .
She is eating and doctors say she will be moving into high care very soon .

This is brilant news .
Thank you all for all youre kind thoughts and prayers .

til later paulette

Dinsdag 2 September " Wonderlike Nuus"

Johann was vanmiddag by Colleen. Alles is afgehaal behalwe vir 'n pypie in die neus wat vir haar nog vog gee. Sy het selfs yogurt gegeeet. Haar tragie is toegeplak so sy kan praat. Sy herken vir Johann en Melt en sy weet dat ek haar broer is. Net gister het ek nog getwyfel of sy my wel herken. Dank die liewe Vader daarvoor!. Daar is 'n moontlikheid dat sy na 'n gewone saal geskuif kan word binnekort. Ons is baie verheug en dankbaar oor hierdie nuus. Dankie vir almal se ondersteuning ons waardeer dit baie. Ek sal more weer rapporteer oor wat intussen gebeur het. Groete Dirk

Monday, September 1, 2008

monday evening

Colleen is finally off the ventilator and sitting up in her chair ,doctors are happy with her lungs but she is still receiving antibiotics .
her blood pressure is back to normal and she is very much awake and quite restless ... she wants to get up and walk ...

Today for the first time in two weeks she was given some jelly to eat .

Please understand that this is a long road , so the family has asked that visitors please wait awhile until she is stronger and moved into high care.

Thank you all for your emails ,i will give them to colleen .

A huge thank you too Lorna Harding who very kindly gave up her saturday evening and her house to host the Tack and Wine auction on Saturday and her clients who baked brownies and raised R300.00 " they didnt even know colleen"

TO : Ronel chong who organised everything " YOURE A STAR "

THEY RAISED R13,000.00
This is amazing , too all those happy shoppers" hope you are all happy with your GOODIES... thank you too .

til tommorow .

Maandag 1 September 2008 11H00

Ek het nou by Colleen gaan inloer, sy was in die stoel en is heeltemal van die ventilator af. Haar hande is steeds vas, hieroor is sy nie baie gelukkig nie. Sy het vir my gese " haal dit af" terwyl sy probeer het om uit die stoel op te staan. Dit is veral vir my verblywend dat sy wel praat, al kan ons haar nie hoor nie. Hoewel sy wakker is, kan ek sien dat sy baie gou moeg raak, veral as sy so 'n bietjie gestoei het om uit die stoel te probeer kom. Elke dag gaan dit beter en dit is die belangrikste. Ons kan maar net dankbaar wees en hoop en vertrou dat sy spoedig sal herstel.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sondag 31 Augustus 2008 21h25

Ek was vanaf verlede Donderdag baie besig met die MOLFEES wat die naweek plaasgevind het, en kon ongelukkig nie by Colleen uitkom nie. Volgens Paulette is dit 'n wonderwerk hoe sy verbeter het. Ek is van plan om haar more te besoek en sal dan na afloop van my besoek terugvoering gee. Ek kan nie wag om haar te sien nie!!

Tot more !!

Sunday evening " Miracles do happen ....

It was this time two weeks ago that colleen had this terrible accident and fell off her beloved horse sam ....finding her was the worst thing that can ever happen to a person as you are helpless and cannnot do a thing to help ... she was then rushed her off to hospital ,where she was not treated correctly and 24 hours later and had not received any medication 24hours later " not even a painkiller " .....

Well its two weeks later and a miracle has happened tonight when i went to see her ,their she was eyes open and she was holding johans hand ... she recognised me and took my hand ... i cannot express the feeling of joy ...

I told her that everybody is praying for her and that everybody sends their love and she smiled .

If you would like to send me a shortmessage i will give them to colleen to read ,please send it to me .

address it to : colleen

til tommorow

Sunday " brilliant news "

Colleen is awake ... i have spoken to the nurses and they say she is restless and wants to get out of the bed.
she also wants to talk and with the ventilator she cant so this is a little frustrating for her but ,the nurses said that she will get better fast now .....
They are putting colleen in a chair everyday .
The doctors are happy with the way her lungs are improving and say she should be off the ventilator by wednesday .

This is brilliant news .

I will be visting her tonight ,so will update you all later on progess ..

til later